CDP Reporting

Need help with your CDP disclosure and score improvement?

What is CDP?

CDP (Erstwhile Carbon Disclosure Project) is a globally recognized, independent, nonprofit organisation headquartered at London. On behalf of more than 800 investment institutions, having a combined $100 trillion in assets, CDP provides a disclosure system for companies, supply chains and cities to manage and report their environmental impacts (climate change, water and forest) through annual CDP Questionnaire. This information allows investors to integrate the environmental performance into their financial and purchasing decisions. Companies also use this information to identify climate risks and low carbon opportunities in their industry, evaluate their performance relative to their industry peers, and demonstrate robust sustainability initiatives to their customers and investors.

Why is disclosure to CDP important to you?

The benefits of reporting to CDP include

  • Enhance company image on sustainability initiatives
  • Enhance corporate communication with investors on climate risks and opportunities your business is exposed
  • Rethink your business. An effort to measure, disclose and manage your GHG emissions will dramatically cut down costs which are closely linked to growth
  • Minimize any risk associated with climate change and changes in regulations
  • Setup benchmark and compare your performance against peers in the industry

Please read our blog ‘ 8 reasons your company should report to CDP’ for more details.

Support we offer

Our CDP consulting approach provides customised solutions to no matter where your company is in in your disclosure journey -

  • First-time reporting companies,
  • Already reporting but need score improvement
  • Already reporting for Climate Change, but need to report for Forests and/or Water Security

Broadly, our services help you:

  • Assess CDP’s current year Questionnaire and prepare a case considering your nature of business;
  • Assess risks and opportunities due to climate change on your business
  • Assist to develop a corporate strategy for science-based emission reduction target(SBTs)
  • Develop data collection templates to gather all necessary information from stakeholders required to prepare the CDP responses;
  • Develop carbon footprint quantification and reporting system for GHG emission as per GHG protocols and approved guidelines
  • Assist in external verification and certification of GHG inventory (Scope-1,2 and 3)
  • To draft final response on behalf of your company for CDP’s Climate Change, Forests and Water Security Questionnaire.

Our services are uniquely positioned to help our achieve high and/or improved scores with organizations like CDP, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and other international third-party reporting organisations.

For a customized solution for your project, please mail us or call us +91-09999677158/9 with your specific requirements and we'll be happy to get back and discuss your project in detail.